We’re here to educate you on the reasons why buying logs wholesale and everything else locally is smart business for you. We do not want to resell you anything that you can and should buy locally. So you’re the one saving and not overpaying from a well marketed kit.
Let us help you in the smart way of building a log of home, the right way.
We strongly advise against buying everything for your log home in a pre-organized package. Shop around, the way you do for everything else you buy for yourself. All-inclusive packages may seem convenient, but in the long run they are overpriced and inflexible. At Wholesale Log Homes, you’ll get the home you want, the quality you want, and the best prices to save you money.
If you are like most people, you already know what it is you want to build. You may find that the plans of kit sellers don’t fit either your needs or your budget. When you buy from us, you design your home, and we supply the graded logs, timbers, and other specialty items that can’t be purchased locally. All non-specialty building supplies, such as doors and windows, can be purchased from a local building supply. By buying wholesale logs from us and by purchasing other products locally, you save thousands of dollars in delivery and markup costs. Best of all you will have exactly the quality and brands that you want in your home. Not only will your new home meet your budget, but it will meet your specifications as well. Accomplish your dream easily and affordably.